9 Unexpected Reasons to Invest in Outbound Sales

At a glance

  • Outbound sales bypass the limitations of inbound marketing by proactively targeting ideal customers outside your existing reach.
  • It’s ideal when entering new markets, launching new products, or dealing with high competition.
  • Benefits include accelerated revenue, real-time market feedback, and spreading awareness beyond existing channels – crucial when growth can’t wait.

Inbound’s great for those who find you, but not for the ones who don’t.

Why limit yourself!

Read on for 9 unexpected reasons to invest in outbound sales:

1. You’ve identified an opportunity in a new global market

Considering global expansion?

For a US tech firm eyeing London’s tech scene, inbound might mean UK-specific SEO campaigns. But SEO takes time.

Meanwhile, an outbound approach involving targeting decision-makers in London, using cold calling, emailing or LinkedIn takes you directly to your customer. 

Check out US based Sojourn’s quick win in the UK for inspiration. They aimed for the UK market. We crafted UK-specific messaging, built a game-changing GTM plan, and targeted ideal accounts via phone, personalized video, email, and LinkedIn – generating a $692,000 pipeline in just a few short months.

2. You’re launching a new product 

Outbound spreads awareness beyond existing channels and audiences. This kickstarts adoption versus waiting months for inbound interest to build.

When a global tech firm we assisted launched a new e-invoicing solution, they didn’t wait for inbound traction. Unsure of their ideal customer profile or the total addressable market, they teamed up with Punch!. We used personalized video messaging and a LinkedIn-centric approach. The outcome? A pipeline worth 3 million in just 6 months.

3. No one’s searching for you

In sectors where SEO’s a tough nut to crack, due to lack of search volume or product innovation, waiting for organic traffic can be frustrating. 

We gave Lumi a hand, and in 4 months, they had 56 solid leads. No waiting for the phone to ring. Lumi’s glow-up? Check it.. Discover how we transformed Lumi’s sales pipeline here.

4. You want to shorten time to revenue

Let’s say you’re in New York’s finance world, and Edinburgh’s bustling financial district is your next target. Inbound could mean sponsoring content on Scottish finance websites or running ads targeting Scottish finance professionals. A waiting game.

Outbound empowers you to engage directly, get real-time feedback, and adjust your pitch on-the-fly.

Baswares rapid rise in a new industry vertical is a case in point. They wanted a swift entry into the transport and logistics market. With an outbound approach we helped them bypass lengthy marketing validation, and built a £760,000 pipeline in just 3 monthsIf Basware had solely relied on inbound, they’d have had to wait much longer to build up leads and test messaging in a market they had no experience with.

5. You’re in a highly competitive market

Many companies turn to outbound after realising that most of their inbound leads are just window shopping, and end up shaking hands with the obvious market leaders.

In crowded marketplaces, a direct approach can give you the edge. While leads that come through outbound sales channels are genuinely interested, saving your sales team countless hours trying to convince inbound leads that are just browsing.

Remembering that leads do not equal sales opportunities is vital. See how we transformed Lumi’s lead game, making every lead count.

6. You could benefit from real-time market feedback

Speaking to potential clients directly is gold for rapid product-market fit.

If you’re a SaaS company; you can directly ask a marketing exec in New York or a product manager in Amsterdam about what features they’re itching for. 

Instead of spending months developing a feature based on ‘likes’ and ‘shares’, you get insights that prevent you from costly detours.

7. You have multiple ICPs

Let’s say you’re a health tech company with a product that caters to both hospital management and individual practitioners. The hospital director in Berlin might be interested in large-scale implementation, while the GP in Manchester might want to know how it’ll make their daily consultations easier.

Yes, you can create a post for each persona and ICP, but as people’s attention dwindles, the most pointed message is going to win – giving your niche competitor an advantage.

With outbound, you’re delivering tailored, use-case specific messaging directly.

8. You don’t want to be too reliant on SEO and PPC

Lets face it, predicting algorithm changes is like trying to predict the weather in London – you’re never quite sure. One algorithm change on Google or a shift in market trends puts your inbound strategy at risk.

9. Your prospects settled with their current providers

Think about a tech manager who’s been with a provider for yonks. They’re not trawling the web looking for alternatives, and their pain isn’t big enough to warrant watching your 1 hour webinar.

But with outbound, you’re not waiting for them to make the first move. You’re reaching out, showcasing how you can offer a better solution. Akin to a proactive estate agent, showing clients properties they didn’t even know they wanted.


Outbound sales is about taking control, being proactive, and ensuring your message reaches the right ears. The time is now to complement your inbound foundation with targeted outbound to fuel your business growth.

Learn more about the differences between inbound and outbound leads in our blog Not All Leads Are Created Equal: Inbound vs. Outbound.

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