56 Sales Opportunities in 4 Months for SaaS Company

The Brief

Lumi is a global SaaS company. They develop software to support real-time audience engagement, facilitating more than 4,500 meetings each year across 40 countries. As a leader in outsourced SDR and Sales Development for SaaS companies, Punch! was tasked with supporting Lumi with best-in-class lead generation and sales development services.

Lumi’s current inbound marketing strategy was generating MQLs, but the leads needed nurturing and ultimately converting into opportunities. Punch! was tasked to convert MQLs into SQLs as well as generate additional opportunities by engaging with net new logos.

The Solution

Punch! implemented a successful lead generation and sales development outreach program for Lumi, that nurtured accounts engaging with Lumi’s content into sales qualified leads and appointments. The sales development team used multiple channels such as personalized videos, the phone, email sequences and LinkedIn outreach to help Lumi to stand out from the crowd, and generate sales qualified leads.

To ensure that the messaging resonated with these accounts, it was important to identify the key challenges faced by Lumi’s target market. Punch! narrowed these down to two: declining attendance at events due to the location, and lower levels of engagement during meetings as a result of the smaller turnout.

From these challenges, value propositions which positioned Lumi as the most effective solution were created and incorporated into the outbound messaging.



Opps in the first 4 months


Total meetings booked across regions: UK, USA, SA, Canada and Australia

£5,000 to


Average deal size

Punch!’s work has been transformational for us, accelerating our prospects through the conversion journey, and delivering high quality leads. The ROI on the investment in Punch is significant, and has been sustained across all of our activity.

Kerry Leighton-Bailey | Chief Commercial Officer @ Lumi

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