Is an Outsourced Sales Agency Right for You?

7 Signs You’re Either Ready… or Not.

At a glance:

  • Ideal for high-value products, growth-focused companies with eager sales teams.
  • Best suited for complex industries like tech, healthcare, and finance.
  • Requires strong marketing-sales alignment, proactivity, and investment readiness.
  • Unsuitable for low-value contracts or companies resistant to change and new strategies.

Thinking about supercharging your sales with an outsourced agency? Let’s dive into whether it’s the right move for you by comparing signs of readiness with potential red flags.

1. Product Value and Contract Size

You’re Ready If: You’ve Got the Good Stuff

Your product or service is high-value. We’re talking annual contracts worth thousands, not £5 fidget spinners. Why? Because agencies need meat on the bone to make their efforts worthwhile. If you’re selling enterprise software or specialized consulting services, you’re in the sweet spot.

Red Flag: Your Contracts are Tiny

Low annual contract value is a tough sell for most agencies. They need to see a return on their effort, and if your average deal size is too small, the maths simply won’t work out. As a rule of thumb, if your ACV is under £50 000, you might struggle to make the economics work.

2. Growth Mindset

You’re Ready If: Growth is Your Obsession

You’re not just interested in growth; you’re obsessed with it. Your whiteboard is covered in ambitious targets, and you’re always asking, “How can we scale faster?” This mindset aligns perfectly with what outsourced agencies bring to the table – a relentless focus on expansion and results.

Red Flag: You Want Overnight Success

Outsourced agencies aren’t genies. They can’t magically fix a broken sales process or a mediocre product. If you’re looking for a quick fix or expect miracles in the first month, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Real, sustainable growth takes time.

3. Sales Team Readiness

You’re Ready If: Your Sales Team is Hungry

Your closers are itching for more leads. They’re not just sitting around; they’re actively asking for more opportunities. This enthusiasm is crucial because an agency will be flooding your pipeline. You need a team ready to pounce on these leads and close deals efficiently.

Red Flag: Your Team Hoards Leads

If your sales team treats leads like Gollum treats the One Ring, we’ve got issues. Outsourced agencies will be bringing in a flood of new opportunities. If your team isn’t prepared to follow up quickly and effectively, those leads will go cold faster than you can say “my precious.”

4. Industry Fit

You’re Ready If: You’re Playing in the Big Leagues

Industries like tech, healthcare, finance, and professional services are prime for outsourced sales. Why? These sectors often have complex sales cycles, high-value deals, and benefit from specialized knowledge – exactly what good agencies bring to the table.

Red Flag: Your Service is… Meh

If you’re only competing on price, that’s a problem. Outsourced agencies thrive on selling value, not rock-bottom prices. If your offering isn’t differentiated or doesn’t solve a real pain point, fix that first before bringing in the big guns.

5. Marketing and Sales Alignment

You’re Ready If: Marketing and Sales are Best Buds

Your marketing team isn’t off creating pretty brochures no one reads. They’re in sync with sales, producing content that actually moves the needle. This alignment is crucial because an outsourced agency will need solid marketing collateral to support their outreach efforts.

Red Flag: Marketing? What Marketing?

If your idea of marketing alignment is “stay out of our way,” you’re not ready. Effective outbound sales require strong marketing support. Without compelling content, case studies, and a clear value proposition, even the best agency will struggle to generate interest.

6. Proactive Attitude

You’re Ready If: You’re Always on the Hunt

You don’t wait for opportunities; you create them. This proactive attitude meshes well with outsourced agencies. They’re not there to replace your hustle but to amplify it. If you’re always looking for the next big win, an agency can help you find it faster.

Red Flag: You’re Stuck in Your Ways

If you see opportunities and say “nah, I’m good,” stick to the status quo. Outsourced agencies bring new ideas and strategies to the table. If you’re not open to change or trying new approaches, you’ll be wasting your money and their time.

7. Investment Readiness

You’re Ready If: You’re Ready to Invest

Growth takes time and resources. You understand this isn’t a “set it and forget it” solution. You’re prepared to collaborate closely with the agency, provide necessary resources, and give the partnership time to yield results. As Jeb Blount says, “The key to success in sales is the willingness to do what others won’t.”

(No direct red flag for this point, as it’s more of a culmination of the previous points.)

The Bottom Line

Outsourced sales agencies can change the game. They can boost your sales acceleration, amp up demand generation, and create a predictable pipeline. As Aaron Ross, author of “Predictable Revenue,” puts it, “The #1 predictor of success for a company using outbound prospecting is how well they’re able to focus their efforts.” An outsourced agency could be that focus multiplier for you.

But remember, this isn’t a magic fix. It’s a strategic move for companies ready to pour rocket fuel on their sales engine. Evaluate your readiness honestly by comparing these signs and red flags to make an informed decision about whether an outsourced sales agency is right for you.

Ready for growth?

Let’s get something in the diary!