Agency Secrets to Closing High-Ticket B2B Sales

The legendary salesman Zig Ziglar once said: 

“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” – Zig Ziglar

This quote has always stuck with me. As someone who’s been in the sales game for longer than I care to admit (let’s just say I remember when CRMs were just a twinkle in some developer’s eye), I’ve learned a thing or two about what it takes to close a deal. 

I thought I could keep my secrets safely secured. But, leave it to Marita, our (relentless) Punch! marketing manager, to convince me to package my hard-earned sales wisdom into a bite size roadmap for landing high-ticket deals. 

The truth is, I had to dig deep to translate strategies that had become almost second nature. So, that’s what I did.

Stop Asking Prospects This…

If you’ve been struggling to get prospects to nail down a start date, this one’s for you.

Hands up if you default to the age old question: “When do you want to get started?”.

It’s a TERRIBLE question. And here’s why. 9 times out of 10 the answer to the question will be something along the lines of “let me think about it.” 

This question needs to be reframed, in your mind, and the prospects.

Instead you should be asking:

“From what date would you like to start receiving [insert desired outcome here]?” 

Bam. You just helped them visualise their ideal future.

It’s the difference between asking someone when they want to start a weight-loss plan (NEVER!) versus when they want to be 10 pounds lighter (Tomorrow).

Which one do you think is more motivating?

Here are some examples:

Instead of “When do you want to implement our software?” try “When do you want to start saving 10 hours a week on manual data entry?”

Whether they desire mores leads, better customer success, final product launch , getting a specific date helps you to understand their timeline and release a sense of urgency.

It’s like when your friend tells you they want to get in shape for a beach vacation – suddenly, there’s a deadline and a goal to work towards.

By repeatedly circling back to this question throughout the sales journey, you’re psychologically reinforcing the timeline they’ve set for themselves.

Struggling to Close? Use These Three Closed Questions

I once read that 48% of sales calls end without the prospect even trying to close the sales call once (‘The Psychology of Selling’ by Brian Tracy).

I never wanted to be part of that statistic, and neither should you.

If you’re struggling to get to the close, try this.

As you move closer to the pitch or solutions meeting, there are three closed questions (i.e. it’s a yes or a no) I use to help steer the prospect towards closing:

  1. Do you feel our solution will solve your problems?
  2. Do you want to work with us?
  3. Do you have the budget to move forward?

If they say yes to all three of those, they’re ready to close. 

Simply put, if they feel your solution will solve their problem, they want to work with you AND they have the budget – then it would make closing the obvious next step.

But what if they seem hesitant, even after answering yes to all three questions? 

That’s when you ask, “What’s holding you back from signing?” 

It’s a simple question, but it cuts to the core of their concerns. 

Maybe they’re worried about the implementation process, or they need to get final approval from their boss. 

Whatever it is, by asking this question, you’re getting the cards out onto the table, and you can then work with them on their specific concerns.

My Top Three Objection Handlers

So, what if your prospect says NO to any of the closed questions I mentioned.

Let’s face it – objections are a part of the sales game. 

Heres how you approach them::

  1. Price: 

Yes, you might be the most expensive option. But as the saying goes, “you get what you pay for.” 

Emphasise the value of your solution – the top-tier talent, the cutting-edge technology, the unparalleled strategic expertise. 

Remind them that they’ve likely tried cheaper options in the past, and that’s why they’re now exploring other solutions. 

One strategy I like to use is to ask them if they’re product is more expensive than their competitors. And if they’re selling a premium product themselves, point out the parallels – a Porsche deserves another Porsche, not a Kia.

  1. “I need to think about it”: 

This is where empathy comes into play. Acknowledge their concerns, but gently challenge their thinking. Reiterate the three key questions – do they believe in the solution, do they want to work with you, and do they have the budget? 

If the answer is yes to all three, then what’s really holding them back?

  1. “I need to check with a colleague/C-suite”:

Again, empathy is key. Confirm that their colleagues are aware of the struggles they’re facing, and that they likely don’t want those struggles to continue. If the prospect has control over the budget, suggest getting a kickoff meeting on the calendar, with the understanding that the date can be adjusted if needed.

At the end of the day, sales acceleration is all about helping your prospects achieve their goals faster. And by reframing your questions to focus on the desired outcome, uncovering objections and solving them, you’re not just selling them a product. You’re selling them a better version of their business.

Ready for growth?

Let’s get something in the diary!