Sales Development FAQs

So, you’re thinking about outsourcing your sales development? Or, perhaps you’re just intrigued to know more about what it is Punch! do? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We have compiled some of our most frequently asked questions to shed some insight into how we work, what we do, and what you can expect from Punch!.

Our processes

How long does it take to get set up and what does it involve?

Depending on the messaging, strategy and documentation you already have in place, our initial Strategic Planning stage will take a minimum of 4 weeks.

The Strategic Planning Process

First, we will conduct the Sales & Marketing Alignment Workshop, where we will ask you to present to us as if we are a prospect as well as ask you a series of questions to get under the skin of your business

Using information gathered from the workshop, we will create a toolkit and messaging document for your approval. This document will be based on your proposition, USPs, ideal customer profile, requirements, etc.

Next, there will be a period of internal onboarding and technology setup. Once these stages are complete, activity will commence.

It’s really critical that our team understands your offering before launching the program. We use this initial period to learn about your business, which will result in better optimization and development of the SDR program as it runs. 

How much of my time will be taken up during the onboarding phase?

In addition to the workshops, we will need help with gaining access to certain tools, email accounts and calendars. We will also want you to proofread the toolkit and provide suggested amendments. Outside of this, no additional time should be required, however, we do have an open-door policy to all clients and very much welcome your input at any time. 


How much per qualified meeting?

We don’t use a cost per lead model, we operate on a resource model, charging a day rate for our sales development work. The average cost per lead for clients who are on our FTE package is £928 once ramp time has been completed. This will vary from client to client depending on their package and how many days a month we are on retainer.

If Punch! books a meeting and it turns out the stakeholder doesn’t want to meet us, is it a waste of time?

We put every measure in place possible to ensure this doesn’t happen, including:

  • Carrying out diarised Qualification Calls’ with the prospect to fully qualify the opportunity
  • Sending calendar invitations and monitoring for calendar acceptances

We have a formalised process of checking in on appointments in the lead-up to a meeting. If a meeting needs to be rescheduled we’ll always aim to do this ahead of time rather than there be a ‘no show’. Our team is also incentivised based on attended qualified meetings, so there is a heavy emphasis on making sure these meetings are sat. 


What is your payment policy and when will I receive an invoice?

The first invoice (for Strategic Planning) is delivered upon commencement of the Sales & Marketing Alignment Workshop. Following this, we invoice on the 1st of each month with 30-day terms, meaning payment is only due once activity has been completed each month.

Punch! Team

How will my team be structured?

You will have a dedicated Sales Development Manager who will be your day-to-day contact. They will provide you with weekly, monthly and quarterly reports giving you a true snapshot of the progress being made.

Your team will also include a MarTech Manager, Data Research Manager and Sales Development Trainer who will all provide ongoing support.

What is your staff retention rate?

Our current retention rate is 80% for SDRs and Management staff working with Punch!. The majority of our management team has been with the company for over four years.

How do you incentivise?

At Punch! we create and facilitate topical games sporadically, we find this helps to maximize team engagement and incentivise peak performances, the prizes can range from vouchers to additional time off, and the games can be individual or team-based. The games are great tools to encourage healthy competition but more importantly, they encourage the team to work together in achieving our common goal.

Punch! Services

Why do companies outsource to Punch! Sales?

We hear many different reasons why companies decide to outsource with us, just a few include;

  • Struggling to find the right people, someone who is motivated/self-driven or even someone who has obscure sector knowledge.
  • Their attempt at setting up an SDR team hasn’t quite worked how they envisioned
  • High revenues have left them in a lurch
  • They may already have a team who is great at handling inbound leads but aren’t as strong at outbound
  • They are entering new markets and need assistance in planning/messaging cadence
  • Having trouble defining their audience

There are many more reasons why companies benefit from outsourcing their SDR team

Can you help support our internal SDR training?

During our strategic planning phase, we’ll build out a toolkit, call tracks and email templates to help our team. These can be leveraged by your internal team also, and as an optional extra our SDMs can support your internal SDRs with training, and joining sessions to discuss the pipeline with our team to ensure the best alignment.

What are the additional tangibles Punch! deliver?

 Strategic Planning 

  • SDR Toolkit, created by our strategy team this document will be used internally to train the SDRs working on your account and will include information about your products and services, features and benefits, key metrics, key customers, key competitors, battle cards, your ICP and TAM, buyer personas, value proposition, sales enablement materials, marketing content, GTM plan and SDR workflow overview
  • Implementation of prospecting tools such as data scraping, LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Vidyard video marketing tool, and Hubspot CRM

On-going activity 

  • Establishing key data points such as contact information for each new target prospect. Other marketing initiatives can be used to target these contacts
  • Maintaining databases according to mutually agreed-upon specifications and enhancing data by identifying decision makers’ names, job titles, email addresses and context

Where conversations are held

  • Ensure information is recorded so that you can continue those conversations as and when you wish
  • Seek permission for future contact
  • Raising brand awareness through a multitude of communication channels
  • Building trusted relationships with prospects
  • Growing your LinkedIn connection base 


How often will we meet/communicate?

Regular communication and weekly meetings are fundamental to the success of our relationship. Your SDM will be your day-to-day contact and meet you once per week to review activity and ascertain how your sales team has progressed with each of the opportunities we’ve sent over.

When will I see an ROI from the sales development work?

While the answer is dependent on your sales cycle and a couple of other factors including; value prop, proposition age, awareness etc. 

Typically we see the best returns from clients that commit to a 12-month or ongoing program with us. This allows us to schedule follow-up meetings and helps push opportunities through the funnel so your sales team can close deals. The main reason clients stay with us long-term is because we help them grow their business.

What reports will we receive?

We will report to you on a weekly, monthly and quarterly basis to give you a true picture of progress in the short, medium and long term.

This can include;

  • Weekly or cumulative stats
  • Opportunities generated
  • Contacts identified
  • SQLs and pipeline generated (calls made, emails, contacts contacted)
  • Contacts in warm pipeline
  • Status of accounts in pipeline
  • Appointments and the intent topic (product)
  • Account insights (product used, contract renewal dates, customer/competitor satisfaction


Who owns the data?

We identify and source our contact data using a variety of different processes to provide up-to-date, accurate information and ensure we’re always reaching out to the best-fit prospects. Initially, this data belongs to Punch! Sales and is stored internally in our CRM for our SDR team to work through. As soon as contacts are added to the pipeline or a meeting is scheduled; that important prospect data belongs to you.

If you have any questions we’ve not listed, don’t hesitate to get in touch at

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